A compact training course to become a change professional in 3 modules.


… for serious and well-founded change needs. This can be used to critically evaluate change processes.


The best way to manage a crisis is top-down via ‘command and control’. At least in the short term, but is the effect sustainable?


22 qualities according to the motto: ‘The core competence of leadership is character’.


All coaching – all roger? In recent years, managers have been too strongly trimmed to coaching, mentoring and development. Here is a plea for a renaissance of a more directive style of leadership.


On the pitfalls of decentralised structures and when hierarchies become dysfunctional.


Getting a clear picture of powerful people, supporters and critics before change projects.


Or: Why does something always have to happen for people and organisations to change?


Leading is leading. The principles behind it do not change. So trust your leadership principles and the leadership tools you have used so far (communication, meetings, etc.). It’s ‘only’ the physical framework that changes … What other principles are there to consider?

Change fitness can also be trained in the same way as physical fitness. Sometimes easier, sometimes more difficult – depending on the type of change.


Why is it particularly difficult to rely on personal responsibility in crisis situations?


The secret to achieving more with less!


Using Kotter’s classic 8 Steps (‘A Sense of Urgency’), the Corona change process will be highlighted. What can companies (in crisis) learn from the crisis management of the Austrian government?


What and how do people & organisations really learn from change situations? The central question on ‘Post-Corona’ (the time after) will be what we have actually and sustainably learned from the crisis.


A study by Management Echo (3-2017 ‘Time for Leadership’) found that over 1/3 of leaders are wrong in their position. A phenomenon that has been going on for decades, the only difference is that those being led increasingly have different expectations of their bosses. Thus, this figure is to be classified as rather dramatic.


The following are 8 success factors for individuals and organisations faced with the constancy of change in an increasingly fast-paced and complex environment.


10 laws to guarantee failure in (digital) transformation projects


In short, agility is the ability of a company to continuously adapt to its complex, turbulent and uncertain environment. True. But what is really new about it? Isn’t it that once again some consultants and management researchers have created a hype to develop new markets?


Don’t bosses spend far too much time on activities that look like work but are not work? Meetings, annual talks, budget negotiations, reports, approval procedures, presentations and much more – in other words, pure business theatre that creates no added value, does not serve the employee, let alone the customer, and is therefore only one thing: a waste!


It’s not an either/or! Depending on the culture, the balance between regulation and chaos lies somewhere in the middle. In Catania, it is closer to chaos. And it works splendidly. It requires a large portion of personal responsibility, courage and respect. The result is creativity!


70% of managers in a Management Echo study said they could tolerate feedback in large doses. However, only 23% of them agree with the statement, ‘Feedback is highly valued in our company and is actively encouraged and demanded. Is there something rotten in many organisations?


Who doesn’t want satisfied employees? Most of all, the employees in organisations want it themselves. Question cemeteries are created at intervals of 1 to 3 years within the framework of employee surveys either online and/or in paper form. What are the best options!


Workshops can bring a lot of results if they are well prepared (topic queries, weighting, etc.), well conducted (results-oriented moderation) and well documented. The question is always whether the substantive issues are addressed.


For the hard tasks I choose a lazy person, because he finds the easiest way to solve them (Bill Gates). Or aren’t we all overeaten and no one is full?


Our own analyses in various surveys and projects show that only about 60% of FCs are involved in change processes because they are convinced, 25% because they do not want to attract attention and 15% because they have no other choice.


Change can also be measured. Even cultural change. Using KPIs for change processes, this article was published in the Journal for Organisational Development (ZOE 2018/03).


Why starting is much easier than quitting.